Healthy Means Strong Bones


I was just at the dentist for my routine 6 month cleaning. Since I had not had dental x-rays for a couple years—as I avoid radiation as much as possible—they convinced me to just get a couple of bite down x-rays, the minimum as they said.

Upon viewing the x-rays, the dentist couldn’t get over how healthy, dense, and strong my jaw bones were. He told me they looked like the bones of a much younger man. He said he couldn’t believe how healthy my mouth looked. I’m not ashamed to say I’m 61 years “young”. Hey, with a jaw like that, maybe I should have been a prizefighter.

Frankly, I’m not the best dental patient. Plus, dental work is expensive. So, having a healthy mouth saves me a lot of time and money.

I’ve been taking all the Touchstone Essentials products for over a year, and never miss a day.

I came across a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition about the benefits of fruits and vegetables for bone density.

Living in Florida, I do eat my share of fruit where it’s plentiful, but frankly don’t eat that many green vegetables. Barbara says I’m a bit of a picky eater. For those who know Barbara, she’s pretty accurate about things like that. But thanks to Supergreens + D and the rest of the Touchstone Essentials’ products, my bones are about as healthy as they can be.

Well, bones may not be that much to look at, but a beautiful healthy smile, clear skin, and plenty of energy to be outside and not be embarrassed at the beach sure is. And, did I mention I still wear size 33 pants?

Thank you, Touchstone Essentials, for not only adding years to my life, but for adding life to my years.
—Marc Gitomer

*This story represents the personal experience of an individual and is not intended to imply you or anyone else will have a similar experience (everyone is different). These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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